WAZ   Zona 14

Western Zone of EuropeC3 (Andorra), CT (Portugal), CU (Azores Is.), DL (Germany), EA (Spain), EA6 (Balearic Is.), EI (Ireland), F (France), G (England), GD (Isle of Man), GI (North Ireland), GJ (Jersey), GM (Scotland), GU (Guernsey), GW (Wales), HB (Switzerland), HB0 (Liechtenstein), LA (Norway), LX (Luxembourg), ON (Belgium), OY (Faroe Is.), OZ (Denmark), PA (Netherland), SM (Sweden), ZB (Gibraltar), 3A (Monaco) and 4U1ITU (ITU Geneva) 


10 mt

10 mt

12 mt

12 mt

15 mt

15 mt

17 mt

17 mt

20 mt

20 mt

30 mt

30 mt

40 mt

40 mt

80 mt

80 mt

160 mt

160 mt

