flag of Ivory Coast

TU5IJ - Father Martino Bonazzetti


 Cartina Cote


In February 1999 with Mark IK2CHZ and father John, I gone in Ivory Coast to install antennas and medical devices, in the cattolic mission of Nassian, a little town at 160 miles nord-east to Abidjan, in the Bounkani region, where father Martino Bonazzetti -TU5IJ- make your work. During two weeks, we make about 4650 Qso's on 9 HF bands, in SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL can be send to my address.

Should there be any profit ith the QSL's trafic will be employed for the benefit of the mission.   

Equipment: Yaesu FT-747GX, Icom 706 MKII, Kantronics all mode, Cushcraft A3S and dipoles.

         Village of Nassian
 Qsl card    Mounting antenna's
Father Martino viewing a step of dxing
Cushcraft A3S is on board the mission